Thursday, August 24, 2006

Redneck Birthday Invitations

blogs Ethical considerations Ethical considerations II

This topic lends itself to a second (and many more) part (s). On this occasion will analyze a situation, in my opinion, is the most controversial, based on some of the comments of yesterday's post.


Imagine that you visit the blog "X" frequently, leave comments and to the link from your blog.

Possible Outcomes:

a) The person's blog "X" will return the visit, comments on your blog and I'm just linking to from your blog.

b) The person's blog "X" will not return the visit, does not comment on any of your post, much less I'm just linking from your blog.

c) The person's blog "X" brings you back to visit obligation or commitment, comments on your blog something that necessarily had nothing to do with your post and do not linkee.

Analysis, Interpretation and considerations of possible outcomes from the situation:

1) The fact that your comment, visit and link a blog, not requiring the other to do the same with your blog.

2) The fact that someone does not comment on your blog, does not mean that someone has not read.

3) It is preferable that you link back to your blog or comment on sympathy or because you like the work you do in your blog, not by obligation or courtesy.

4) A comment on a post just to say thanks for visit my blog, without even bothering to read the post where you put the comment, in my opinion, is the same as not comment in the post.

My experience with regard to this situation:

As to comment on blogs: A daily visited more than 50 blogs, the only criterion to use to discuss is the fact that you can contribute something to the post. Not necessarily comment on every post of duty.

As for return visits: In 80% of cases do. The fact that the visit does not mean to leave a comment, the times that I do is because I have nothing to contribute to the post, but if I read at least one post.

As for those who do not return the visits: Absolutely nothing against them. If I returned the visit and comment well and if not well. For some time I have visited and commented on several blogs without receiving even a little message in the tagboard. What have I done? Nothing, just visit them and comment, even to recommend them. If I visit and comment a blog is because I find it interesting the content or the way this blogger entrompa some issues.

As for the link from other blogs: I in my blogroll I have more than 30 blogs, and in my bloglines I have more than 70 blogs. "In exchange for what? Anything, that I like and so that those who visit my blog know blogs that I frequent.


If I grab it and remove my blogroll (which I place the blogs I frequent) on my blog and leave comment in your blog:

Would you stop going through my blog?

Would you stop commenting on my blog?

"would remove my link to your blog?
PS: I owe the accents, my keyboard is not the brand.


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