Thursday, August 31, 2006

How To Make A Garrote

Signs of Life Blog Day 2006

For the second consecutive year is being held today 08/31/2006 the Blog Day, or Day of Blog. The date to celebrate the day the blog was due to the similarity of the numbers representing that date (3108) with the word Blog. The purpose is to recommend 5 blogs that you've seen recently. Here I go with my 5 recommended:

The world's most boring Blog : No waste. In fact, a very original blog.

Virtual Box: Written by Fedosy Santaella, a man with great creativity and great ease at the time of writing.

A Reminder: A blog where we can enjoy very good pictures.

Zaperoconakystico : Beautiful and intelligent. Its easy to tell things is what gets you.

Tic Tac : Very good images accompanied by sensitive lyrics.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Men Addicted To Wear Women's Underwear

I fail to see infomercials

Click! (I turn on the TV)

start to freak with my remote control. It's around 9:00 am on a Wednesday either. The channels offer programming in the morning hardly entertains me. Usually not used to seeing the commercials, but since there was no program good to watch on TV, I decided to see one of those infomercials that were happening in the channels of pay television.

unique offering for TV!

"There are 8 stairs in one, "said a fat beard and mustache. It's amazing how many things you can do with that wonderful multipurpose ladder climber, I think. Even with this step I can clean things that are rather high, I do not clean, and my house is high but never mind, someday we'll have to do and need this step. Minutes later, could only think of how it was possible that I felt under a ladder is just that: a ladder and stairs in a No 8. Conclude the commercial.

Call now!

I get out of bed and went to the kitchen for something to eat. Returning on the TV screen I saw a woman who complained: "the rolled stockings before I put in the bra always moved me. " Fortunately this woman knew about the new silicone cups, hypoallergenic, pressure sensitive, reusable and virtually invisible with a brooch. After use, was happy.

Credit Card accepted!

On my TV screen I saw a snail and thought that maybe had accidentally changed the channel and put Animal Planet. No, it was another infomercial. Very cuchi images, leaving a snail slime all over his ride. Testimony from a girl: "Before calling me pizza face, but since I started using the snail call me butt face Baby. " As I had not happened before this great idea to me, if the snail can repair its shell with its saliva, may also repair acne scars, stretch marks and wrinkles on my face. But surely no one has even patented the urine of salamander, which can surely be used when you cut your finger, you grow another.

Warning: See more of three infomercials followed one after another, can cause irreversible effects on your ability to reason.
PS: I owe the accents, my keyboard is not the brand.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Redneck Birthday Invitations

blogs Ethical considerations Ethical considerations II

This topic lends itself to a second (and many more) part (s). On this occasion will analyze a situation, in my opinion, is the most controversial, based on some of the comments of yesterday's post.


Imagine that you visit the blog "X" frequently, leave comments and to the link from your blog.

Possible Outcomes:

a) The person's blog "X" will return the visit, comments on your blog and I'm just linking to from your blog.

b) The person's blog "X" will not return the visit, does not comment on any of your post, much less I'm just linking from your blog.

c) The person's blog "X" brings you back to visit obligation or commitment, comments on your blog something that necessarily had nothing to do with your post and do not linkee.

Analysis, Interpretation and considerations of possible outcomes from the situation:

1) The fact that your comment, visit and link a blog, not requiring the other to do the same with your blog.

2) The fact that someone does not comment on your blog, does not mean that someone has not read.

3) It is preferable that you link back to your blog or comment on sympathy or because you like the work you do in your blog, not by obligation or courtesy.

4) A comment on a post just to say thanks for visit my blog, without even bothering to read the post where you put the comment, in my opinion, is the same as not comment in the post.

My experience with regard to this situation:

As to comment on blogs: A daily visited more than 50 blogs, the only criterion to use to discuss is the fact that you can contribute something to the post. Not necessarily comment on every post of duty.

As for return visits: In 80% of cases do. The fact that the visit does not mean to leave a comment, the times that I do is because I have nothing to contribute to the post, but if I read at least one post.

As for those who do not return the visits: Absolutely nothing against them. If I returned the visit and comment well and if not well. For some time I have visited and commented on several blogs without receiving even a little message in the tagboard. What have I done? Nothing, just visit them and comment, even to recommend them. If I visit and comment a blog is because I find it interesting the content or the way this blogger entrompa some issues.

As for the link from other blogs: I in my blogroll I have more than 30 blogs, and in my bloglines I have more than 70 blogs. "In exchange for what? Anything, that I like and so that those who visit my blog know blogs that I frequent.


If I grab it and remove my blogroll (which I place the blogs I frequent) on my blog and leave comment in your blog:

Would you stop going through my blog?

Would you stop commenting on my blog?

"would remove my link to your blog?
PS: I owe the accents, my keyboard is not the brand.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

La Sportiva Miura Difference Katana

blogs Rosales

a couple of months ago, browsing the web I found a post called Ethics invisible blogs, which in turn is a translation and interpretation another post called A two Blogs Invisível ethics. By way of comment, I will mention the points that seem more important.

're a person before a blog. It should be clear that the blog is only a means used to express, in no case are the blog.

Have a social life. Be sure to share with friends to be in your PC blogging.

be kind to people who comment on a post asking questions as if they had read the article they had read the answer . This part is a bit difficult, but should take it easy.

Ignore the trolls . Trolls are people, mostly anonymous comments left by challenging or provocative loaded with bad intentions. In general, trolls give up their actions to see that they stop paying attention.

Never exchange links with other blogs . Well, this is a bit extreme, it is recommended that only links that actually visit blogs and content often looks interesting.

Remember that you are a public person . If at any post you're wrong, admit it and accept your mistake.

is always honest. This is related to the sources, is unethical point where you get the information.

If you feel disappointed by someone not write it on your blog, find a friend or write in a journal (personal) paper. I think not need to explain this.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rulon Wrestling Shoes

If he wins, I stop working

Since Rosales started his campaign, one of his promises has caught my attention: the creation of a minimum wage for the unemployed. Today, as presented to his campaign, insisted that: "... we will deliver a minimum wage to everyone who is unemployed in the country ...." Similarly

explained that this money with which you intend to pay the minimum wage to the unemployed leave the fifth of the oil resources. He noted that in the coming days explaining the technical aspects of its proposal.

Rosales minimum wage being offered to the unemployed is 600,000 Bs, which could reach to 2,000,000 Bs if the oil boom continues. Currently in Venezuela unemployment stands at 13% of the active population, equivalent to a million and half people.

I am not very learned in these matters of electoral promises, political campaigns or demagoguery. Or am I mistaken or misunderstood or Rosales not understand what is being offered. And it can not be true that fence to give every unemployed Bs 600,000.

Imagine, I work 6 hours a day, a part time job as it were, and my salary is less than the 400,000 Bs turns out that if he wins Rosales, a person who does not work will win more than me, I do work. Without a doubt, I quit my job.

that I'm not a parasite, a bum or a leech, but if Rosales is going to give me Bs 600,000 if I am unemployed, I promise that when the CNE says Rosales won I call my boss and I say that I give because I found a better job as "unemployed." And not only me; I know many who also leave their jobs.

Rosales explain

I hope soon as this issue of minimum wage to the unemployed. What criteria will be used, that controls are implemented and all that stuff. Meanwhile I'll keep a close eye.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Does Anyone Buy The Rudy Gay Jersey

In a perfect world ...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Corn Prices Per Bushel

Looking for what? II

Sometimes I think that many people view Google as a human being and not as a search engine, which is what actually is. I say this because lately, checking my stats, I realized that some people go to my blog from Google by placing in the search bar very strange things. Some put things like "What if my girlfriend left me" do not really expect to find, perhaps hoping that Google will talk and advice. Others typed in Google things like "he was unfaithful to my wife" this man wanted to proclaim to secure the four winds his gray hair to air, but what he expected from Google. These are just a few examples of actual searches that people do at Google.

In my case, Google is an open page at least once a day to see whether news or find pages related to something that interests me. I do not deny who ever made any search for these rare, for example, when I'm looking for lyrics of a song, usually I put a phrase in Google search bar in order to find what I want.

Well, not to make the story longer, I note some of the searches that have come to my blog from Google in recent weeks.

I forgot my password and my secret answer "Hotmail." (and what you expect? Let Google tell you what your password and secret answer. I advise that the next time you create a mail account you use data easy to remember). Girls

de18 to 25 years nude dancing tube. (There is every pervert out there loose).

To see if the police are looking for someone in Italy. (If you have questions about his past, he hires a private detective, but I recommend you call the police in Italy and ask for it).

love with a Mormon missionary . (I do not think you're the first, when a friend suggested it to one, but the guy took offense and most never seen again.) Caring

my money. (Open a bank account or invest it in a business).

There once ladies clothes. (What's this? "The start some story porn fetish?).

What is the opposite of goodbye? (I think it's "Hello" or "Welcome").

The success of Google, to me, is because people believe that this search engine is the answer to everything, which is a thinking and you can help with any problem that comes your way in life .

Related Post:

Monday, August 14, 2006

Poptropica Credit Cheats

Principle Parsimony states:

"With factors equal the simplest solution tends to be that right."

Based on this principle will begin to analyze things.

Fact: Nobody

phone call.


Option "A" : Nobody wants to call me.

Option "B" : My mobile number has been blocked by Movistar, because it has begun a conspiracy to me in solitary confinement so they can disappear from the planet earth and no one noticed my absence.


Either of these theories could explain the fact that no one would call me cell, but from the criterion of parsimony principle more accurate theory is the choice A; this because if you took the B as the correct option, it would take a series of statements rather than simplify, complicate matters further. Remember

: "the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is more likely to be more accurate than other complicated explanations." Put it into practice.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Is There A Such Thing As A Sinus Headache?

When Parsimony say in

No: Adverb of negation used to deny, mainly answering a question. Despite being a monosyllable used to deny and that is usually considered negative as wrong, the correct use of the adverb could even save a relationship. Of course, just saying these two letters, nyo, which are not magic will not solve all problems, it is also necessary to accompany the delivery of that word with a face up, to leave no doubt. In the event that you ask your partner to be your constant negative attitude, just answer him are his ideas and if you insist tell him: "Negative? nah, you're sure your day "or" you are changed since you spend with xxx (where you place the name of one of her friends) and she as you are putting ideas in your head. " If none of these excuses worked, say that is because you are putting into practice what they learned with the book "Yes, I can say no." Without further ado, then point out the questions that will be exposed and must answer in a withering: NO.

Do you were looking at the neckline that girl?

When you're with me think of another girl?

My friend is prettier than me?

Anyone else you say "my girl"?

Are my hands I look ugly?

Did you forget our anniversary?

again Did you texting your "friend"?

Do you think I'm very problematic?

Do you think I ask too much?