Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Born Baby Camera Flash

A man, a bookseller, a mandrel

was once a beautiful library full of books on their shelves, where two kind booksellers came and went in their affairs and tastefully catered to everyone who came for advice lecturil. One day a white-bearded gentleman looks stunned asked
- Excuse me, have books to read?
- To which the embarrassed bookseller replied: What?
- What if you have books to read?
- Well, since no sir, we only have books to spread on bread, said the bookseller.
- How the Philadelphia cheese?
- Exactly!
- And what flavors they have?
- Uf, many: of Garcia Marquez with raspberry pies varied poetry, panache of thrillers ...
- Do any of steak with crunchy test?
- Bad luck, I have no is that you will see my friend, this is a delicatessen.
- Well, what a shame, "said the man, by the way, do you know where there is a Caja Madrid?
- No, but where there is a poop-chuck.
- Oops!, Say they are very dangerous!
- The what, baboons?, What goes, my roommate is a mandrel and are delighted with him. The only thing is that his hobby of meneársela around the house. But hey, great.
- All right, then thank you very much.
- You, sir.


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