After two months of recess we went back to get another night of good music with good friends ... Thanks to everyone who was on tonight ... cortita but powerful, really had a good time, because Terminal
Casino took the stage to have fun, sharing it with all the friends who came near though we had no time to warn or promote the date ... The people of CSTM
desmostró, once more, having the endurance unconditional great! Thanks to Marcelo and staff for the opportunity and confidence to invite to this event class, thanks to the Friends of Kenoyer for the good vibes with CSTM
and its people, thanks to Fred for listening to Abbey Road artists' concerns and respect them all equally, with Lucho and John for being on our staff and be part of
CSTM. In the week we will be posting some pictures of this event ... and probably some video.
(send to casinoterminal@yahoo.com.ar ) know that many could not make it, others did not hear ... also thank you because not miss the opportunity to jump on the pogo
now prepare another date is approaching and in this itself ... with time running the ball and bring people together because
Casino Terminal is ready ... to blow your wig ..!
Abrazo! and leave us your comment is worth a lot to us.