Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tech Deck Bicycle Diagram
a chilly theme, which seems to be what he plays in summer. There is a slip made by the Diario de Barcelona. Look at the picture:

Monday, July 13, 2009
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To go from Ljubljana to Klagenfurt (Celovec in Slovenian) must pass through a tunnel nearly two miles that lies between the two obsolete border between Austria and Slovenia to the height of Ljubelj (Loiblpass, in German), the nearest mountain pass which rises to 1,300 meters above sea level and is closed to traffic for more than forty years .
The strategic importance of the tunnel is almost nil. Has life thanks to the locals, tourists and people who, like me, believes that a map distance is shorter going to get before, without seeing if it goes on a road or highway, such as , winding and steep. Today, people can move between these two cities through Karawanken tunnel.
The truth is that the tunnel Ljubelj was built between 1943 and 1945 by more than 1,500 prisoners from Mauthausen. It built two small camps. One on each side of the tunnel. The Austria side Pudim not locate. On the Slovenian side is 1.6 kilometers from the entrance of the tunnel, as we see thanks to this wonder called Google maps.
about 900 survived. No one's free. The camp was evacuated by the Germans in May 45. The memorial was built at the initiative of France a few years ago, being independent and Slovenia. In the commemorative plaque referring to political prisoners of various nationalities. They draw attention to the lack of English and references Croats and Slovenes.
I am not an expert on the Holocaust. Nor do I pretend to be. But the absence of English in that place is suspect. Most Republicans captured in France ended up in Mauthausen, and it is surprising that among all of them ended up in Ljubelj none. More than sixty years France has denied he was a collaborator. The same time are hiding the role of English in the liberation of its territory. The absence of English in Ljubelj (which, in Slovenia, referring to love) invited me to think that the drivers of the count as fighters memorial in France. On behalf of the Germans is not going to be, because they identified with macabre precision all the groups that came in their centers of terror. Including, of course, to the English.
The presence of Croats and Slovenes, on the other hand, it leaves more clearly a political intention. This becomes even clearer when the word Yugoslavia is not in this official memorial plaque. Political detainees were Partizaner Croats and Slovenes in Yugoslavia. In Mauthausen, near Linz in northern Austria, the flags of Yugoslavia and the English Repúblcia wave in honor of those who were dehumanized by identifying with them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Remedies, Marilu Henner

Dale, you can not stop coming ... will be good good.
CSTM. 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Pole Vault Club Richmond

In the week we will be posting more photos of the event ... Thanks as always for being! See you at the upcoming shows ... Abrazo! Casino
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Shooting Pain From Inner Right Thigh Down Leg

complete with the usual issues, new and some surprise ...
Since we already have your participation and all the friends you want to put together for this show to be missed. The tickets you can get the with the guys in the Banda and Casino Staff Terminal, the value is ten dollars (that you have many days to put back together and invite someone else is not scheduled for that Saturday) may also be achieved in Liverpool the day of the event, if not exhausted before!
We have all the CSTM bar is waiting for this moment for some time and knows that this show is really great!
Abrazo! and leave comments!
Connect with us:
es.youtube.com / casinoterminalrock
email: casinoterminal@yahoo.com.ar
Friday, April 17, 2009
How To Tell Temp Of Oil Without Thermometer

know that many could not make it, others did not hear ... also thank you because not miss the opportunity to jump on the pogo Casino.
now prepare another date is approaching and in this itself ... with time running the ball and bring people together because Casino Terminal is ready ... to blow your wig ..!
Abrazo! and leave us your comment is worth a lot to us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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To start in Liverpool (and Saturday!) So be ready ...
Thanks for the moment (only) With Dirty and messy (Tira, Mario and Gaston) for inviting us, thanks to Dirty and messy public that makes us hold! Abbey Road by the sound, Robert for the filming of the DVD and Kito Mendes from the photos below you'll see ... and can be ordered kitomendes@yahoo.com.ar.
No more to say ... enjoy and remember that all in this life begins with a dream ... HUG! Casino
Videos: es.youtube.com / casinoterminalrock
found the members by name in FaceBook.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Watch Full Operation Repo Episodes
Thanks to all the friends we made the
hold in this special night ... thanks
list is getting larger, the usual
, which we heard for the first time
and all who help us in this dream ...
Thanks! These days we
photos and videos to our site ...
Communicate with
us for information on how to get the live CD, Photos and DVD
few days.
Abrazo! Casino
es.youtube.com / casinoterminalrock
Join our group on FaceBook!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Waxing Brazilian Examples

not forget to book your ticket with the children of Banda, and visit our blog with the latest updates and new videos ... Abrazo! Casino
es.youtube.com / casinoterminalrock
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Scanners Good For Book Images
Obama is already in the Oval Office. Well, is what many wanted. I confess that yesterday when I saw him get off the tank car could not help imagining a bloody scene. Perhaps because it brings together many political virtues that frighten the American white power. I imagined a slow, incredulous, staring, after finding that life was slipping by a bullet hole in the side. I also saw his wife, screaming, running towards her husband, ready to cover with his hands the deadly wound.
But nothing happened. Breathe easy, almost as quiet Barak. I greeted my roommate, in the manner of the presidents: stretched arm, wrist and repeated spins a professional smile from ear to ear, showing all the teeth. Suddenly, I realized that these things are learned. I went out to do a field study. I stood at a stoplight, I steeled myself and walked across the zebra crossing waving as Don Juan Carlos. From a taxi heard more than a greeting, however, the general reaction was polite.
As if by magic, the crowd was spellbound and I felt like the Pied Piper. Shortly after starting with my stupid smile and greet my endless underwent a transformation. Pedestrians must have thought I was someone important, no do these things because. I asked some people and some autographs, and many people swirled around me and did not know where he was. I started to get scared.
tried to explain to everyone that it was a joke but there was no way, workmen me confused with a building contractor and I saw their faces was not serving reasons. I thought, "what kind of world do we live?, I will inflate hosts to greet and smile at people!". I started running and the crowd behind me. Riot police appeared. Some young people started burning containers and organized a battle. In the end, I could free myself from my pursuers. I came home and collapsed on the sofa. I thought again: "Who's telling me to do these things?, My son, I said to myself, let the infinite health and goofy smile to the professionals." How true.
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To all who took photos and want to send them to upload them comment that can be sent to step casinoterminal@yahoo.com.ar and schedule our e-mail, these are the first photos (courtesy of friends) because our dear friend and photographer, Kito Mendes could not be present, and to which we send our warm embrace.
Thanks as always ..! enjoy, comment and do not forget to enter es.youtube.com / casinoterminalrock to see These days the videos of Liverpool with all of you, do not forget that if you have videos you can also send and we take care of uploading ... Embrace and do not forget that if they take do not drive ... hahaha! Casino