Sitting on the couch, accompanied by loneliness and a front window that I have, I contemplate the world. Someone or something decided to make me wait I do not know who or why. But that is something I have undertaken. The time is almost not a problem. Cronos is just for me a filicidal.
This now I can only get to know it is night, and sleeping neighbors. Not that I can say much more. Out there to the other side of side window glass that separates me from life, there is no landscape worthy of describing. It is autumn leaves fall perennials and caressed by the breeze. There are a whimsical dance. Nothing happens. Clearly, this is not a geek best-seller to their fifties.
I massaged his head. It relaxes me. I can not say that transport me to a world without limits. I can not say that I imagine without the shackles of the mundane world and share my life with fairies and nymphs. Nor would it be reasonable to say that the air fill my chest, hear minor chords on the harp that whispered to me how wonderfully happy I am. No find no moral. I can not imagine anything. Clearly, this is not a fairy tale.
I keep on my couch, bed, despite the uncomfortable bar separating the two pads and dust me kidneys. That does not suggest that this sofa is for sitting and sharing with another person. I said I have to be sad about my loneliness. We all do from time to time. And I've said before me keeps me company. Think, think and keep thinking about things that are not. This also suggests that I think exists. Descartes does not intend to kill. This is simply not philosophy.
But one thing is certain. I think, then weaves words. I make a speech. I know that's something I can not stop doing. The five senses at this time are ornaments for me. Although I have to say I feel ever more intensely that happy backache causes me sofa bar pressing my torso. Is the same, I do not care. What all this tells me is that, apart from loneliness, the language with me. I feel I can adjectives everything. And I can finally construct a sentence from which it follows that it is something I am a boring man.