Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Lost My Baby At 39 Weeks
The functionality of both lists is the possibility that this directory into a kind of follower of customized feeds, ie, that keeps you informed about updates to only those posts that are to your liking. Something like your Bloglines within To2blogs.
All venebloggers, no one is excluded, and here is just the generalization, we have our favorite blogs and other blogs that simply overlooked. Apparently, the bad, the issue of To2blogs The Black List is the fact that it allows the blogger to know how many people have placed in your Blacklist. Some bloggers
were taken with soda, and fairly good mood, having been included in the blacklist someone, while others literally been pissed to learn that at least someone has listed the black.
The fact that someone put on their blacklist does not mean that someone hates you or thinks you're a nerd who just write nonsense. That person just wanted to show her the To2blogs only 5 blogs that used to read and not everyone who registered in that directory.
Some bloggers think the fact that someone takes the trouble to include a blog on the blacklist means a job, it's much better to ignore it. Likewise, consider that the fact of putting a blog on the black list involves some repulsion to the blog or to the blogger. Simply do not agree with these views. If someone wants to organize your posts in To2blogs, is free to do as he's won and include the posts that he feels like the list that you want to. Each blogger will have its own criteria for choosing which blogs placed on its blacklist and puts them in your favorites. It is a personal pod.
I think even a little absurd attitude of bloggers who are pissed because they have been included in the blacklist. If you are pissed because someone has placed on the blacklist also have to be horny all the bloggers who have not placed in your blogroll, or those who have not placed in your Bloglines or feed aggregator to use.
Personally, I have not even released any of the lists that are available in To2blogs. Why? For that I use Bloglines, and if I read the updates of blogs I frequent, just came into my Bloglines, and if I know other blogs entered the last updated or To2blogs Veneblogs and ready.
Four people have placed me on their blacklist and I'm not horny. Ten people have me in your favorite blogs and my ego has not risen.
More info on feeds, feeds and bloglines followers have by clicking here